Voice recording process
I'm happy to record your texts with great pleasure and passion. This can be done in my own home studio (for internet videos or online animations) or in a recording studio. A studio of your choice is, of course, also possible (taking the RIVM Corona measurements into account). I am easy to direct and easy to communicate with. From my own studio I can quickly record a text for you or a free demo to determine if we are on the right track. Together we will achieve the best result!
Read the step by step process to record a voice-over here:
• Step 1. Briefing (target group, message and tone-of-voice)
• Step 2. Final texts (and possibly the animation or video)
• Step 3. Recording of the voice-over
• Step 4. Delivery
Briefing needed for recording
In order to create an optimal recording, I would like to receive some information about the target group. This includes gender, age, motivation, and geographical characteristics. Who is the voice-over for? And which message should it convey?
Take a look a the Styles page or my Portfolio page (Radio and/or Online videos) to determine which tone-of-voice you need for your production. If you can identify the tone of voice form my site, I know what immediately you are looking for.
Provide a text
Final texts may be delivered by mail in a simple text file, .doc, Google docs or .PDF. Is the animation or online video already finished? Then I would also like to receive this and I can empathize with the message for the target group (but is not a must). Corrections to the already recorded text will be charged.
Wat heb jij een prachtige stem. Het sluit goed aan bij wat we zoeken.
Michel Cents, Group Secure
Delivery of voice-over
After recording the texts I will give the recordings a light post processing. I send the files by email in a .mp3 of .wav file format within the agreed schedule.
Appointment or quotation?
Would you rather first make an appointment for an introduction or briefing, or would you rather first receive a quotation?
• Via the contact form you can contact me for an appointment and also for questions.
• You can find a price indication on the Pricing page. pagina kun je direct een prijsindicatie vinden.

Request a demo aan
Request a demo of 1 or 2 sentences below to see if I'm the right match for your project. You can judge whether my voice fits well with your commercial, radio jingle, animation, or video. Check the conditions.
Studio Equipment
- iMac
- Røde microfoon met pop filter
- Focusrite Scarlett audio interface
- sE reflection filter